ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ heskimeau


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open > FAQ


Q: What do you draw with?
-I draw with IbisPaint X on my phone.

Q: Is Pepper Clark your OC?
-No, she comes from "Littlest Pet Shop" (the 2012 cartoon). I just like her a lot.

Q: Can we do art trade/commissions?
-Sure we can, just ask! :3 Prices for commissions will be available soon.

Q: Can we be mutuals?
-Yes we can, but give me a little more time because i'm very shy.. :/

Q: You were on Miiverse? What was your username?
-Heskimeau too. I took this username on all my website so maybe my old miiverse friends will find me, I hope!

Q: Why is your English so bad?
-So sorry for that, i'm young and french, I need to practice.